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proPilot installation and configuration

This document explains how to install proPilot on a machine.
Please read the instructions carefully, and follow the steps in the defined order.

Prior to installing proPilot, make sure to satisfy the requirements described in the dedicated document. All elements must be installed and preconfigured before proceeding to the installation of proPilot

Install proPilot (msi)

  1. Before upgrading proPilot, make sure that you have the necessary configuration file backups (in case they are accidentally overwritten during the installation process).
    If it’s not already the case, you must back up the following configuration files:

    1. proPilot

    2. proPilot service

    3. proPilot UI

  2. Install the executable by double-clicking on the msi file and by following the procedure.


proPilot Web application configuration file

This step is not required for the upgrade procedure (unless stated otherwise by the development team for specific releases), but it is mandatory for a first installation.

Please refer to the dedicated document which details the necessary steps: proPilot configuration - Advanced settings

(lightbulb) Once you are satisfied with your own configuration file, it is highly recommended to back up it.

proPilot service configuration file

Similarly, you must configure the service. The configuration file is located in the following folder:

C:\Program Files\Deployments Factory\ProPilot\bin

To facilitate your work, a sample file is provided (DepFac.ProPilot.Service.exe.config.sample).
You may copy this file to create an operational version named “DepFac.ProPilot.Service.exe.config”.

You may refer to the web application section since the exact same sections apply to the service, which must connect to the DB, and to keyCloak as well. So you can use the same values for the connection string, and for keyCloak config keys.

(lightbulb) Once you are satisfied with your own configuration file, it is highly recommended to back up it.

UI configuration file

For a first installation, you must configure the UI module.
The UI configuration file is located in the following folder:

C:\Program Files\Deployments Factory\ProPilot\assets\config

(lightbulb) To facilitate your work for the first installation, a sample file is provided (config.sample.json).
You may copy this file to create an operational version named “config.json”.

(lightbulb) Once you are satisfied with your own configuration file, it is highly recommended to back up it.

Base configurations

Front-End base configurations

applicationName - Name of your application (ex: ProPilot)

lang - Default user language (available options [fr, en])

languagesAvailable - Available languages for user selection (available options [fr, en])


authConfig:clientId - Replace [[CLIENT_ID]] by your client Id

issuer - Replace [[KEYCLOAK_DOMAIN_NAME]] by your keycloak domain and [[REALM_NAME]] by your realm name.


Sentry is a developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring platform. This configuration is optional.

environment - Environment is used for sentry (Ex: production)

client - Sentry client name (Ex: myCompany)

sentryDsn - Sentry Data Source Name. Here how to get your project sentry DSN

Check and configure proPilot service

If proPilot is installed for the first time, make sure that proPilot service has been automatically created during the installation process.
The service is not started by default (to allow you to configure proPilot before running it).


(lightbulb) Recommended:

You may change the startup type to “Automatic”, in the service properties, if you want the service to be started automatically when the server is rebooted.

Note that this parameter has to be set again if you upgrade proPilot, since the service is automatically dropped and recreated during the installation process.


Launch proPilot service

The service must be launched first.

⚠️ When installing proPilot for the first time, please wait several seconds (+/-5), before launching the web application (IIS), since setup DB scripts need to be executed.

Check tables creation

In your favorite DBMS, check that proPilot as created the necessary tables during the service start procedure.


Configure operational parameters in the global database

Technical configuration files were designed to launch the application (dev ops), but operational information must also be configured.

proPilot needs 3 local folders to run properly (described below). They must be created manually to store.

  • indexes

  • temp files

  • CodesSequences

You may use any name and create them where your want, but you need to configure the DB keys accordingly (shown below).

For instance, if you chose to create those folders in the “e:” drive in the ProPilot folder you should get the following result:


Open the “Config” table in the global database, and setup the following entries according to your needs.










If you want to customize the application name in your company.



is used by the cache system of proPilot (must be ended by %instance%)



Though this folder is named “Temp”, it cannot be erased without impacting proPilot, so do not place it in a volatile location.
(must be ended by %instance%)



Is used by proPilot to generate unique tree node codes, when they are not supplied by the user.
(must be ended by %instance%)

Adapt access rights for proPilot Windows user

Ensure 'proPilot' Windows has these rights configured on the following directories



C:\Program Files\Deployments Factory\ProPilot

Read & execute

IndexFolder (see section above)

Full control

TempFolder (see section above)

Full control

TreeNodeCodeFileBasePath (see section above)

Full control

Depending on the logging configuration put in the Web.config file, if you use the RollingFileAppender (or any other Log4Net appender using files) you have to put ‘Full Control’ on the directory defined in the configuration

Internet information services (IIS) configuration

  1. Stop “Default Web Site”.

  2. Create a new website titled "Propilot" within the previously established application pool "PropilotPool", set the Content Directory, Physical Path to "C:\Program Files\Deployments Factory\ProPilot".

Launch the web application in IIS and test the back-end

  1. Start the web application

  2. The following url should work:

  3. The page is not html formatted but it must contain the back-end version of proPilot (e.g. ProPilot API VX.X.X)

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.