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proPilot advanced operations

How to backup proPilot ?

Here are the necessary steps to backup your proPilot application.

Backup proPilot databases

proPilot automatically creates one database per instance, so you must backup (dump) them all il you want a full scope recovery.

Make sure to include the global DB as well (propilot_global).

Backup folders configured during the installation process

During the installation process, several folder paths were set in DB (see Configure operational parameters in the global database section of the proPilot installation and configuration document).

So make a copy of the following:

  • IndexFolder

  • TempFolder

  • TreeNodeCodeFileBasePath

Backup proPilot configuration files

In the installation folder, copy the configuration files:

  • Web.config

  • DepFac.ProPilot.Service.exe.config (in the bin folder)

  • the “config” folder located in the “assets” folder.

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