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MariaDB configuration

Make sure MariaDB accepts ANSI quotes

proPilot uses ansi quotes as table delimiters so mariaDB must be configured to accept them.
If it is not already the case, follow the steps below:

  • Restart the MariaDB service

Create proPilot DB

This step is not required for an upgrade procedure, since the DB is not dropped automatically, but when installing the application for the first time, you must create a database manually.

In your favorite database tool, create a MariaDB database.

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(lightbulb) Though it is technically possible to use any name for the main DB, we recommend to use “propilot_global” to avoid confusion. In fact, the application will automatically create other operational DBs later (one per instance). So, to facilitate maintenance, you should keep an non-ambiguous name.

It is also important to select the correct charset and collation. Any other value may impact the application.

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Create proPilot user

In order to restrict access for the proPilot application on the database server, we recommend creating a dedicated user.

CREATE USER 'propilot'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';
  • Replace XXX by a strong password

  • Replace localhost by the hostname of proPilot server if the database is installed on another server

By default, proPilot need elevated privileges in order to be able to create databases himself (one per proPilot instance). If your MariaDb is also used by other applications, consider restricting access to the proPilot user.

# NOTE: full access to MariaDB
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'propilot'@'localhost';
# Restricted access to MariaDb
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `propilot\_%`.* TO 'propilot'@'localhost';

Replace localhost by the hostname of proPilot server if the database is installed on another server

With the restricted approach, you must ensure that you prefix all your instances (technical) name by 'propilot_' when you create a new instance via the proPilot interface

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