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Integrate an embedded Toucan Toco visualization


In proPilot, you can directly integrate reports created in the Toucan Toco solution from version 3 onwards. From connection to integration for your users, you have a no-code interface to enhance the proPilot experience with Toucan Toco's data storytelling.

You can refer to the Toucan Toco documentation at any time:

To find out more about Toucan Toco visualisation, visit

Connect proPilot to your Toucan Toco application

Add the Toucan Toco visualization solution to proPilot :

  1. Go to the external visualization configuration tab.

  2. Create a new external configuration.


  3. Select the type ‘Toucan Toco’.

  4. Copy and paste the public part of the proPilot RSA key into the embed manager part of the visualization solution.

  5. Fill in the various fields to enable identification and authorisation of the Toucan Toco embed.

For further information, the Toucan Toco documentation is available here:

  1. Click on ‘Submit’.


Your Toucan Toco solution is now recognised in proPilot.

Configuration of Toucan Toco visualization view

  1. In the left-hand menu, select ‘workspace configuration’ and then ‘workspace visualization’.

  2. Then click on the 'Workspace visualization views’ tab.

  3. Click on the ‘Create Workspace Visualization View’ button. A pop-up window opens.

    TC View 1.png

  4. Fill in the following fields:

    1. Name (technical) and Display name

    2. Choose the ‘Toucan Toco’ display type

    3. Add a description if required

      TC View 2.png

  5. Submit the view, then click on “Edit”

    TC View 3.png

  6. Configure the Toucan Toco view

    1. Enter the Toucan Toco application ID.

    2. Enter the visualisation embedded ID.

    3. Enter the privileges associated with the view

    4. Enter the roles associated with the view.

    5. If rights are managed by group, add the group name.

    6. If attributes/values keys apply, please enter them.

TC View 4.png

  1. Activate the tile on the visualization home page of the entity to highlight your visual for users of the workspace.

    TC View 5.png

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