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proPilot 4.17.0

We are excited to announce the launch of proPilot 4.17.0, marking another step forward in enhancing operational efficiency and user experience.
This release brings a suite of optimizations that not only improve user interaction but also accelerate the monitoring and execution of your initiatives.

Enhancements in the Visualization Module

  • Excel Export Enhancements: Tab names in Excel exports have been improved to better reflect dependencies and indicator dashboards, making data navigation and analysis more intuitive.

  • Visualization Deletion Protection: The deletion of visualization sets associated with an entity is now safeguarded, allowing only administrators to perform this action to prevent accidental data loss.

  • Refined Text Exports: Text formatting within Excel export properties now strips out formatting tags, ensuring data is clearer and more readable.

  • Standardized Last Updated Date Display: The display format for the "Last Updated Date" field across information tables has been harmonized for consistency.

  • Dynamic Configuration Adaptation: Visualization configurations now dynamically adjust when there are changes in the number of indicators or reference levels, allowing for real-time updates without data loss.

  • User Interface Enhancements: Improvements have been made to the display of aggregated indicator tables and error management in aggregated graphs, streamlining the user experience and reducing potential confusion.

Visualization english.png

Advancements in Tracking and Configuration

  • Improved Update Tracking: Update tracking has been refined, preventing notifications for already updated entities during update cycles.

  • Increased Transparency in Task Management: The "acting as" feature provides users with clearer visibility into actions performed, enhancing transparency across task management processes.

Faster Configuration and Audit Scope

  • Confirmation message translations during mass imports have been refined to better align with the linguistic nuances of different markets.

  • KPI Category Management: Fixes have been implemented in the KPI manager to prevent duplicate category entries, ensuring smoother and more accurate management.

  • Confirmation Step Before Deletion: A confirmation step has been introduced prior to the deletion of information sets, reducing the risk of operational errors.

  • Enhanced Change History Management: Tracking changes within the entity configuration module has been improved, offering better management of historical modifications.

Things are really moving... Numerous improvements are made with each new release!

  • A suite of enhancements related to performance and security is available in this new release.

  • Adaptive User Interface: The user experience on mobile and desktop platforms has been refined, with improved adaptation of filters, fields, buttons, and modal dialogs, ensuring a more ergonomic and fluid navigation across all screen sizes.

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