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proPilot 4.15.0

proPilot 4.15.0 is here, welcome to an even more powerful experience!

Let's explore together the new features that will allow you to reconnect strategy with achievements!

Export data from your proPilot visualizations for analysis and collaboration

  • You can now export the data used in visualizations into a structured Excel file with just one click!

  • Access the Excel export feature for all visualizations, including charts and data tables.

  • Collaborate more effectively, save time, and analyze your data using a common structured format.

Visualization export (en).png

Include multi-select reference lists in your information fields

proPilot now supports the integration of multi-select list information. Centralize rich and varied data for more detailed and comprehensive analysis in your dashboards and visualizations.

  • Data collection becomes simpler and more personalized, allowing users to select multiple options from a reference list.

  • All collected values are easily viewable in proPilot, with an interface that adjusts to the number of selected values.

  • The multi-select information feature is also compatible with the bulk import module, simplifying management for PMOs.

Multiselect (en).png

Module names can now be customized within the workspace to better fit your organization

You can rename proPilot’s various modules (information, indicator tables, visualization) to align with your use cases and the terminology used in your organization.

Custom tab (en).png

Information sections are now more flexible in their display

Redesign the organization of your sections with enhanced flexibility in their structure and display. Access your information more easily than ever!

  • Display information in each section as a list or tiles.

  • Set default open sections for users.

Custom tuiles (en).png

Date ranges are now easier to adjust with an optimized date picker

In indicator tables and visualizations, date pickers have been redesigned for easier filtering and navigation. You can now modify just the start or end date with a single click.

Date picker (en).png

There are many changes... Multiple improvements are made with each version upgrade!

  • Navigation is smoother, thanks to enhancements made to tables on both user and admin pages. You can now easily adjust the number of rows displayed.

  • Improved display of information linked to indicators, aligned with the governance settings configured in the admin interface.

  • In the admin interface, the access transfer feature has been optimized to include transfers to global administrators.

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