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Home page: Drive data-driven strategy organisation-wide


Discover your home page. Whenever you connect to proPilot, it will be the first page on display. From here, you will have an exhaustive view on your assignations within the (multiple) plan(s) of your organisation.

Workspaces organized by section

The workspace(s) you belong to is (are) regrouped by sections to ensure a smooth navigation in proPilot.

You can see from there specific information associated with your workspaces in just a glimpse of an eye.

Name and description of a workspace

Overview of your plans

Your plan’s name, including a corresponding image and a description, are induced in your workspace’s left tile. The description is meant to help you understand both the plan’s context and objectives.

You’ll be able to navigate to your workspace directly by either clicking on your workspace’s name or on the associated image.

Home visualisation of a workspace

Your workspace’s consolidated information

You can watch the evolution of your plans through consolidated qualitative information, available in the workspace’s right tile. The information is consolidated by levels.

Use the arrows left and right of the tile (next to the level’s name) to go from one level to another.

My assignations available in the Home

Visualise your workspace’s structure

Get to your workspace’s structure as well as your assignations, all available in a structured way:

  1. Click on “My assignation”

  2. Unfold the treeview by clicking on “+” and get to the entities to which you’re assigned.

  3. Toggle the “My assignations only” button to only display your assignations.

  4. By clicking on one of your assigned entities, you can directly access it in the workspace.

Task manager access

Take action on your assigned tasks

You can access your tasks in waiting and your to-do's by clicking on the task manager.

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