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Communication: Communicate to proPilot users


The proPilot tool allows you to communicate directly with users through the message section.

The proPilot then sends a message that users will receive on their next log in.

Configuring home messages

Create a new global message displayed to all proPilot users

  1. Navigate to the proPilot global admin area.

  2. Click on the "messages" tile. You will then be able to create a new message and see the configured messages.

This section is only available for an on-premise installation.

Configuring workspace messages

Create a message to the users of one or more workspaces

  1. Navigate to the admin area of your instance and select "operation>communication" from the left-handed menu.

  2. Click on the "messages" tab. You will be able to create a new message and see the messages configured for your instance.

  3. Click on “create message” and fill the different fields in:

    • Title

    • Text

    • Publication date

    • Admin only? (yes/no)

    • Workspaces (select the workspaces who will receive this message)

    • video URL (optional)

    • image (optional)

  4. Save. Congratulations, your message has been saved and will be sent out on the publication date.

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